DESTINATION FEMEPRENEURE is the perfect platform for women entrepreneurs in the Prescott and Russell and southern Ontario regions. This virtual and bilingual platform not only promotes and highlights women-led businesses but also offers many services and programs to help inform, guide and fund women entrepreneurs throughout their entrepreneurial journey and projects and is completely FREE!
What you will discover in the
TOOLBOX. Unlimited access to important information that will answer many questions and improve your entrepreneurial skills and business performance. Offered in digital and PDF versions, subjects such as social media, business plans, digital tools and much more are available to you at no cost. A support portal is also included in this section with various organizations’ information. And, of course, all online and PDF versions of all the INFO Magazine editions.
WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP NETWORK is also a valuable aspect of this platform. Join the more than 100 women-led businesses in the Interactive map, Networking Corner and Upcoming Events. Is it easy and FREE to submit your business information and be part of the growing local business directory (see links below). Let’s build a complete women-led business directory together.
The Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation has been supporting businesses and entrepreneurs for over 37 years. Offering funding to Prescott-Russell and Southern Ontario SMEs is among our many services. The
FUNDING AND CONTRIBUTIONS section has useful links to our financial support as well as other organizations.